Friday, June 26, 2020

Chinese Education System and American Education System - 550 Words

The difference between Chinese Education system and American Education System (Essay Sample) Content: The difference between Chinese and American EducationEducation can be termed as an indispensible wealth not only to an individual but also to society and the world. The aspect of education takes into account a broad perspective in relation to the system, the historical background, the mode of delivery, quality and accreditation, rigidity and flexibility of the systems, standardization of the education systems, grading systems, textbooks used in both systems and the nature of the examinations administered. This broad perspective is largely brought about by the diversified dominant cultures depending on the country in question. Therefore, it is evident that there are several discrepancies between Chinese education system and the United States of America education system. These differences are largely influenced by the about aspects.Many countries in the world have different historical background about the adoption of their current education system. Chinese education sys tem historical origin dates back to the introduction of Confucianism. Confucius believed that education system is the only authoritative way to achieve the highest hierarchy in the society. Hence, till today education is the adequate way to improve oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s economic and social status (Shao, Kun, and Tamashiro 4). The introduction to English learning in China dates back during the time of missionaries visits. In earlier 1922, there was an influx in Chinese students studying abroad more so Unites states of America. Therefore, this made China to adopt United States of America education system ( Adamson, Bob 29). Later English was regarded as a menace to the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s culture. This made Chinese aristocrats and scholars agitate the removal of English from the education system since it was irrelevant. That is, English did not comply with the core function of education system in China, which is propagating patriotism and good citizenship (Adamson, Bob 30). It was also sit ed that in the traditional china, education was considered as the sole way by which character of citizens are created(Hu, Chang-Tu 3).On contrary, the American education system has historical origin to the Dewey and Jefferson educational theories. Deweyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s theory emphasized on morality (Ziklova 8). While Jefferson theory was based on the principles of democracy (Ziklova 6). It is also noted that American settlement had its origin in the unrest in Europe. After migration to America by the Europeans, empire was established. The empire bored the key to dynamics of early education in America(Cremin, Lawrence 4).Thus the most important aspect of maintaining democracy and preserving political competitiveness and countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s economy (Shao, Kun, and Tamashiro 4). Thus, the regulating virtues in American education system can be aggregated into one word, that is democracy. Therefore, democracy creates chance for rise and redirection of new communal forces, forms and institut ions.The education system in China has a centralized structure, under the supervision of the Ministry of education. This implies that the Ministry of education has the mandate to create relevant policies for education used countrywide, and it the responsibility of the educational authorities at the provincial level to implement these policies.Whereas, the United States of American there is no national education system. Hence, the education system is solely the responsibility of the states and local governments. Thus, every state has its own department of education and policies concerning funding, hiring, number of years for compulsory education and curriculum development.Education system in china has been built on "loopingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . This "looping" system is whereby teachers in the entering class of students will follow the students to the next class/grade. A system which is not practiced in the United states of America, but in America teachers specializes in curriculum and con tend for a specific grade level and thus, maintain that level. This implies that in America subject contend and teacherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s preferences is highly valued.TheIndividual countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s policies and parameter of education are normally adopted from a range of considerations which includes; historical cultures, the form of the political system, the extend of the economic development and priorities as presented by change in citizensà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ demand (Pepper 1). Chinese education system looks rigidity and has several guidelines thus, having several negative outcomes. In China there is tremendous importance attached to tests. That is the education system emphasizes heavily on exams/tests and ignores other aspects of educations such as creativity, leadership, teamwork, and hands on experience, thus most of the students lack this at the end of their schooling. It is noted that Chinese education system focuses more on theory work, thus there are fewer laboratories and more lecture s, instead of focusing on both theory and practical. In China studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s classes are predetermined all the way to college/university level. While on the other hand, the American education system there is much freedom with fewer restrictions. For instance, in United States of America a student has freedom to select his/her own classes hence personalizing his/her study plan. Unlike the Chinese students, the American students value work experience and thus need to work before deciding whether to or not attend graduate school. It is also observed that Chinese students in elementary and high school levels are always in school uniforms, whereas in the United States of America, learning institutions necessitating school uniforms is very limited.The curriculum in Chinese education system is standard countrywide. Education system in China is merit based system, thus students who are bright at test obtain higher grades in exams. Unlike, United States of America where education is th e responsibility of the State governments. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the state governments to develop curriculum mostly at the district level. Although the curriculum is based on comprehensive development, where students struggle to accomplish a more interspersed development. However, there are state standards, which set for schools to reach. Therefore, students are supposed to pass the state graduation examination.Several countries have a central system of higher education quality assurance system. The institutions in charge are tasked to provide review of the standards and performance of the higher learning institutions. In Chinese education system quality assurance and accreditation of all higher learning education institutions is done by Ministry of Education. It is the responsibility of the Higher Education Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education to do quality assurance in higher education. While the Academic Degree Committee of the China State Council is m andated to approve all higher education programmes and determine if they are sufficient eligible to award a Bachelor, Master or Doctorates, or no ward at all. In the United States of America there is no single government institution that has oversight on accreditation over all higher learning and post secondary institutions. Moreover, it remains the sole responsibility of the state governments to practice control over education institutions. Universities and colleges operate with a lot of autonomy and independence, hence diversity in higher education level. Quality assurance in the United States of America is being done through non-governmental peer review process. In addition, regional private educational associations have ratified procedures emulating the virtues of sound educational curricula and also established assessment scheme to determine actuate whether or not institutions and syllabus are running at the elementary levels of trait. While every state has its own regional bur eau censurable for a particular topographical region in the United States of America, they arenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t subject to any international restriction.There are distinctive differences between the teaching methodology in Chinese education as well as American education. In China, the teaching program was essentially framed by the mythology of Confucianism. The major content is established on collectivist morals, priority in education, power, attitude, and dependence on memorization. The approach that is widely used in delivering teaching is teacherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s-centred approach. The major drawback to this system of teaching methodology is that studentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ lack creativity, which is more applicable in secondary, college and university education. In Chinese students lack the opportunity to express their thoughts and views pertaining different subjects owing to the fact that teachers keep on lecturing always. What makes teaching methodology in China different from Americas system is the memorization. In American education system, teachers struggle to establish a conducive environment for learning an aspect that Chinese education system lacks. Mostly in America teachers use student-centred approach. The major role that teachers play is to assist the students to develop the self-confidence, self-esteem since these are the best element for democracy.Education plays important roles in studentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ lives. like in the case of Chinese students the ability to gain quality education presents exclusive opportunity for the students to achieve their future dreams, and also gives hope for them to assist their parents and siblings and live a decent life. This means that Chinese students takes education seriously since, it education comes with responsibility to those who are dependent on the students. This is contrary to American education system where education is considered as a base foundation for democracy established on equality irrespective of age, gender...